What is Abstraction in Object Oriented Programming – OOPs

Abstraction is the process of hiding certain or common details and showing only essential information to the user. Abstraction can be achieved with either abstract classes or interfaces. Abstraction by an Abstract Classes Abstract Classes — A restricted class that cannot be instantiated directly i.e. cannot be used to create objects (to access it, it … Read more

How to download domicile certificate in Delhi, Domicile Certificate – Eligibility, Application Procedure

Delhi Domicile Certificate Domicile certificate or residence certificate is a necessary legal document for proving that a person is having a residence in a particular state. In Delhi, the Department of Revenue, Government of NCT issues the domicile certificate. Also, domicile certificate allows a person to claim multiple facilities and schemes provided by the Delhi … Read more

PM Modi turns 70: Why Indians need to get over just loving or hating Modi

The problem with the commentariat since Narendra Damodardas Modi came to power is the binary absolutism of the discourse. They only have two degrees of freedom in their analysis – venerate Modi or hate Modi. Everything is viewed through the Sith-like absolutist prism, where the Prime Minister’s actions evoke either Panglossian optimism or Kafkaesque negativity. … Read more

Education at home: Do’s and dont’s of e-learning

The digital form of learning is quite unique in multiple regards. The past few months have transformed the way students learn and grow. Today, we mark our presence using a digital app. We even raise our hands using an online platform. But what does tomorrow have in store? According to Rajesh Bysani, CPO at Brainly, one … Read more

How to pay Delhi Jal Board bill online?

Delhi Jal Board is the government agency responsible for supply of potable water to the most of the National Capital Territory region of Delhi, India. If you don’t know that how to pay DJB bill online? then please follow the steps: If you don’t want to pay personally and If you want to make the … Read more

How to download Aadhaar card in Delhi?

How to download Aadhaar card in Delhi? If you want to download aadhaar card then kindly open the aadhar card website: https://uidai.gov.in Step1: https://uidai.gov.in/my-aadhaar/get-aadhaar.html Step2: You will the below screen. Step:3 Click on Download Aadhar and you will get the below screen: Kindly enter the Aadhar Card Number or Enrolment ID or Virtual ID(VID). If … Read more

What is the differences between a cheque and demand draft?

A cheque is a Bill of Exchange drawn on a predefined investor and not communicated to be payable generally than on interest. Demand Draft is a paid ahead of time Negotiable Instrument, wherein the drawee bank goes about as underwriter to make installment in full when the instrument is exhibited. The cheque is given by … Read more

School closed due in extreme cold weather in Noida, Ghaziabad and Uttar Pradesh

All schools in Uttar Pradesh will remain closed on Thursday and Friday due to cold weather condition, official said. An India Meteorological Department bulletin said cold day conditions are likely over east Uttar Pradesh till Friday and in some parts of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, west Uttar Pradesh, north Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar and … Read more