Do you have to pay school fees in corona time? *Know your rights*
It is still very confusing whether to pay the full fee or not but some schools are charging the full fee including the Annual fees and development charges. Some parents have paid the full fees but some are still confused so here is a video by Aprajita Gautam Ji who is the President of Delhi Parents Association दिल्ली अभिभावक संघ.
अपने और अपने बच्चे के अधिकारों को जाने क्या आपको कोरो ना काल की स्कूल फीस देनी है ? क्या आपका स्कूल पिछले दो साल का एरियर मांग सकता है या नहीं ? पिछले दो साल का , स्कूल फीस की सही कैलकुलेशन क्या होगी?