How do you keep yourself safe from the new coronavirus

We are already supposing you that lots of experts have already given you a lot of knowledge like,

  • Wear Mask.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Dont socialize.
  • Dont shake your hands and avoid going in public dense places
  • Drink Cows urine to get cured, etc

So no argument for the information that already is there on the internet, what we will tell is some changes/actions you can take to be aware and strong from the virus.

So your health is mostly what you put in your body, thus include these food items in your diet like,

1.Turmeric(You can either drink turmeric Milk/Haldi Wala Dood or add while in the preparation of your vegetables.

2. Consume more of the citrus fruits like Amla, oranges, lemon.

3. Spend more time in the sunlight, go out and get sunkissed.

4. Drink hotter water and stay away from cold drinks for the moment.

5. Eat more of the homemade food and stay at home.

6. Eat more of the fresh vegetables and fruits

7. Do some amount of home workout like pushups, yoga, burpees, etc.

Also, people don’t make fun or take this virus lightly, this virus is not a joke or a meme material if you see above it you will feel that how dangerous and harsh this virus can be if taken very lightly.

People all around the globe are dying from this thing, so please don’t take it in a funny way. Stay safe and take care of the mandatory precautions from it

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