Kerala Lottery Result: The Kerala State Lottery Department has announced the results of the Sthree Sakthi SS-440 lucky draw for Tuesday, November 5. The first prize winner will receive a substantial reward of Rs 75 lakh, while the second and third prizes will be awarded Rs 10 lakh and Rs 5,000, respectively. Check the Live Updates and Full List of Winning Numbers below.
LUCKY TICKET NUMBERS FOR 3RD PRIZE OF RS 5,000 ARE: 0013 0252 0871 1032 2414 2943 3037 3074 3773 4002 6867 7003 7911 8205 8640 9004 9021 9697
LUCKY TICKET NUMBERS FOR CONSOLATION PRIZE OF RS 8,000 ARE: SA 538427 SC 538427 SD 538427 SE 538427 SF 538427 SG 538427 SH 538427 SJ 538427 SK 538427 SL 538427 SM 538427
LUCKY TICKET NUMBERS FOR 4TH PRIZE OF RS 2,000 ARE: 0288 0376 0862 0865 1235 1578 3844 4545 8119 8486
LUCKY TICKET NUMBERS FOR 5TH PRIZE OF RS 1,000 ARE: 0186 1041 1604 2138 3357 3782 4316 5028 5230 5487 6039 6052 6069 6888 6942 7128 9197 9301 9500 9875
LUCKY TICKET NUMBERS FOR 6TH PRIZE OF RS 500 ARE: 0046 0082 0195 0216 0527 0799 0892 1449 1665 1906 2083 2156 2613 2832 3118 3140 3216 3412 3619 3958 4111 4238 4290 4469 4482 4584 4714 4784 4826 4904 5310 5468 5477 5529 5743 5837 6389 6467 6710 6840 6857 7089 7237 7286 7521 8138 8217 8224 8681 8724 8776 9325
LUCKY TICKET NUMBERS FOR 7TH PRIZE OF RS 200 ARE: 0257 1038 1239 1411 1641 2128 2262 2419 2496 2798 2809 3247 3776 4079 4314 4320 4500 4534 4894 5130 5158 5197 5232 5493 5598 5710 5802 6114 6198 6230 6324 6485 6922 7219 7418 7963 8252 8792 9147 9374 9514 9683 9748 9837 9932
LUCKY TICKET NUMBERS FOR 8TH PRIZE OF RS 100 ARE: 0061 0072 0126 0177 0413 0456 1100 1174 1409 1827 1859 1951 1975 1993 2098 2126 2151 2213 2263 2442 2453 2555 2572 2600 2702 2771 2838 2854 2935 2954 3097 3175 3220 3269 3325 3348 3557 3750 3824 3860 3866 3924 4027 4115 4138 4171 4286 4345 4363 4419 4426 4431 4522 4532 4678 4767 4835 4993 5023 5131 5134 5166 5446 5458 5627 5666 5667 5828 5884 5901 5934 5975 6076 6111 6143 6319 6535 6660 6767 6797 6799 6824 6878 7036 7097 7101 7112 7118 7123 7218 7225 7449 7455 7551 7611 7929 7942 7955 7956 8025 8139 8179 8196 8220 8420 8738 8981 8983 9083 9298 9306 9378 9386 9416 9519 9591 9656 9731 9737 9765 9811 9815 9844 9945 9988 9993
1st Prize: Rs 75 Lakhs
2nd Prize: Rs. 10 lakhs
3rd Prize: Rs. 5,000
4th Prize: Rs. 2,000
5th Prize: Rs. 1,000
6th Prize: Rs. 500
7th Prize: Rs. 200
8th Prize: Rs. 100
Consolation Prize: Rs. 8,000
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